IFC Rules (Team Tournament Rules)
Double Elimination
Teams of 4 members
12 points per leg
3 legs per game
No zeros – must throw 1-5
Total amount of teams will be thrown in a hat. At random numbers will be drawn with the highest number seeded against the lowest number for round one. Round two, Winners will be seeded against the winners from round one in order of their original seed. Losers likewise, will be seeded against other losers from round one in accordance with their original seed. Losers of Round two from the losers bracket are eliminated. Rounds will continue until a team out of the Winners bracket only remains. They will be seeded against the remaining team from the Losers bracket. In order to be crowned champion, the Winner's bracket representative must beat the Losers bracket representative once. The Losers bracket representative must beat the Winners bracket Champion twice in order to be crowned champion.
IFC Counting
2 - due (DOO-eh)
3 - tre (TREH)
4 - quattro (KWAHT-troh)
5 - cinque (CHEEN-kweh)
6 - sei (SEH-ee)
7- sette (SET-teh)
8 - otto (OHT-toh)
9 - nove (NOH-veh)
10 - dieci (dee-EH-chee)